Keyword #
Node.js, being a JavaScript runtime, inherits many keywords from the language itself. Understanding these keywords is essential for effective server-side development. Here’s a concise overview of some key Node.js keywords:
require: #
The require keyword is fundamental in Node.js for importing modules. It allows you to include functionality from other files or third-party packages into your application.
const fs = require('fs'); // Importing the 'fs' module for file system operations
module.exports: #
This keyword is used to expose functions, objects, or values from a module to make them accessible in other parts of your application.
// mathOperations.js
module.exports = {
add: (a, b) => a + b,
subtract: (a, b) => a - b
exports: #
Similar to module.exports, exports is used to make functions or variables available outside the module. It is often used when exporting multiple functions.
// mathOperations.js
exports.multiply = (a, b) => a * b;
require.resolve: #
This method is used to get the resolved filename of a module.
const filePath = require.resolve('./myModule.js');
__dirname and __filename: #
These variables provide the directory and filename of the current module, respectively. They are useful for constructing file paths.
console.log(__dirname); // Current directory
console.log(__filename); // Current filename
process: #
The process object provides information about the Node.js process and allows interaction with it. It includes events, methods, and properties for process management.
process.exit(); // Exit the Node.js process
console: #
The console object is crucial for debugging and logging information. It provides methods like log, error, and warn.
console.log('Hello, Node.js!');
global: #
The global object represents the global scope in Node.js. Variables declared without the var, let, or const keyword become properties of the global object.
global.myVariable = 'I am global!';
Buffer: #
In Node.js, the Buffer keyword is used to handle binary data directly. It is particularly useful when dealing with file streams and network operations.
const buffer = Buffer.from('Hello, Node.js!', 'utf-8');
exports vs. module.exports: #
Understanding the difference between exports and module.exports is crucial. While both are used for exposing functionalities, module.exports is a reference to the object that is actually returned as the result of a require call.
In summary, these keywords form the foundation of Node.js development. Whether managing modules, handling file system operations, or interacting with the process environment, a solid grasp of these keywords is essential for building robust and scalable server-side applications.